2015 Lamp – A catalogue of light

Product Design Engineering · Project for Lamp Lighting in collaboration with ELISAVA


Light design located in the context of a prescriber’s office, for LAMP. LAMP prescriber is an architect, engineer, lighting designer or interior designer who defines the lighting project and includes LAMP in the project’s memory. Therefore, the prescriber is the user of this light.


This light is conceived as a gift that speaks about the brand, and the vision of the company.


Regarding technological aspects, the light must necessarily be LED and as it is a gift it must be ensured that there will be no maintenance operations. Therefore, from a technical point of view, it will be necessary to solve the mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc… aspects in a very robust way.


‘2015’ is a light that talks about light. It is part of a collection that allows the user to discover and learn new values and messages through the light year after year.

It is thought to be used in workspaces and it is a light-shaped unexpected present that the user receives with thrill and excitement. It adapts itself according to the user’s needs and can be used individually and/or in groups, promoting the relationships in the work environment.


Software: Rhinoceros, V-Ray, Illustrator, After Effects.




‘2015’ gathers different light effects, which in this case are focused on two phenomenons: reflection and diffusion. On the one hand, we get the reflected light with the anodised aluminium cover that covers the light’s structure. On the other hand, there is a light that insinuates, a variable light that reflects or is reflected depending on the angle and position that is set up with the set of planes the light has. The highlighted value of this volume is given by a dichroic filter with which light, color variations and stunning effects are achieved.


The light is dynamic and configurable and behaves differently according to the planes with which the user interacts. This is because of the light’s composition formed by three planes and a mechanism that allows their turn and shift.

By shifting the planes an indirect light with a dim effect can be obtained, a company light. By opening the planes, we will obtain as much as light flow as we want. We can take down the planes of the dichroic filter to uncover and learn the different effects that this generates.


Project nominated to the ei! Professional Edition Awards 2016
Project by M. Bagué, L.Francés, A.López, P. Vega, S.Genestal.